Newbie Guide

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Welcome oh brave adventurer! Whether you've come from another dimension or a native of this realm, you're all welcome here! Welcome to BraveRO!

BraveRO is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) where you can play with a lot of real players in real time. You can share an adventure with a lot of friends you meet along the way. You can choose your job specializations from a wide choices of job classes. Party up with your friends and complete quests or take down boss monsters. Challenge other players in a tournament or wage guild battles. The possibilities are endless!

If you're completely new to the game or to this server, I hope that the guide/s below will be useful in forging your path towards greatness.

STEP 1: Creating a Character

If you haven't made an account yet, you need to register an account first. Once that's done, run the game's patcher to see if there are any available patches and hit the Start Game button once it's done patching.

When the game has launched, you'll be greeted by the server/proxy server selection screen. Try and test which server has the best and stable connection for you on your end.

After the server selection screen, you'll then be moved to the login screen. Type here the username and password that you have registered.

Now you're in. If it's your first time playing, you'll see that you have nine empty character slots. These slots are fixed and cannot be increased in any way. Simply choose a slot that you wish to create a character in and double click it. You can alter a character's slot location by logging in your account in your account in the main website, select Account at the top right corner, select your My Account, click on the character name that you wish to change its slot, and click on Change Slot near the top of the page.

You can either choose to play as a Human or as a Doram character. Humans are the default class and have a wide variety of job specializations. They also have access to the Hero System. Dorams on the other hand only have one job class, which is the Summoner class. They currently are unable to become Heroes.

Once you've selected the race, type in your chosen character's name and adjust the gender, hairstyle, and hair color. Don't worry if you've made a mistake in your character's appearance. You can change your character's hairstyle, hair color, and clothes color via the Stylist function of the Main NPC. For a fee, you can change your character's gender by availing of the Crazy Scientist's service. Also for a fee, and with the use of a Change Name Scroll, you can change your character's name.

Once you've finally decided on your character's name and appearance, click the Create button. Afterwards you'll be moved back to the character selection screen. You can now finally enter the world of Midgard and begin your journey by clicking on the Login button or double clicking on your character.

STEP 2: Choosing Your Class

STEP 3.1: Leveling and Job Changing

After logging in for the first time, you'll be warped into the introductory area. You can spend a few minutes trying to kill the monsters there or directly talk to the BraveRO Greeter NPC. If you're new, it's advisable to take the Introduction Lesson and Introduction Test. If you're taking the Introduction Test, you might want to kill a few monsters first before talking to the NPC and increasing your STR stat to at least 80+. This is because once you've passed the Introduction Test, a bunch of Yggdrasil Berries will be given as additional rewards. If you don't have enough weight capacity, the berries will just drop to the ground and you'll be unable to get them. No need to worry if the berries did drop, they're easy to farm anyway.

By talking to the BraveRO Greeter NPC, you'll be immediately given a BraveRO Newbie Manual and a BraveRO Rule Book. Regardless if you wish to take the test or not, you'll be given the Returner's Set, at least 5 pieces of Spearman Scroll 10, and one Field Manual. The will last for 30 days and give donation-level effects. However, cards cannot be placed into these equipment. The accessories have a level requirement of at least 100 before you can wear them. The Spearman Scroll 10 can be used to summon a 10th Grade spear mercenary.

Normal Leveling

If you're new to the game or you're a seasoned player that wishes to experience the thrill of leveling, then this is the option for you.

For the most part, unless you're careful, you might want to use the Spearman Scroll 10 that was given to you. Press CTRL + R to access the mercenary menu, and click Skill. This opens up the mercenary's skill menu. Drag the Spiral Pierce skill to your skill bar (press F10 if the skill bar is missing). From there, simply press the hotkey/shortcut that is associated with the slot in which you've placed the skill, and target monsters with it. This makes the spearman use its own skill to kill monsters. This skill has fairly high damage and can kill most low level monsters in Poring Island and Death Field (@warp izlu2dun) in just one cast. Monsters killed by your mercenary also gives experience to your character, so you can let the mercenary do most of the work for you.

Job Changing

There's no job change quest needed. Simply talk to the Main NPC and choose the Job Changer Option. Before changing jobs, make sure that you have completely used up all skill points. Otherwise, you might accidentally delete them. Depending on the path in which you decide to take, these are the routes that you can choose from.


  1. As a Novice, gain experience until you reach Job Level 10.
  2. Job change into your First Job as a Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, or Acolyte.
  3. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 50.
  4. Job change into your chosen Second Job.
  5. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 50 again and Base Level 99.
  6. Job change and select Choose to be Reborn.
  7. Gain experience until you reach Job Level 10.
  8. Job change into your previous first job.
  9. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 50.
  10. Job change into your Transcendent Job Class.
  11. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 70.
  12. Job change into a Third Job class.
  13. From here, simply gain levels until you've reached a Base Level of 500.

Unless you know what you're doing, if you choose to become a Third Job immediately instead of being Reborn, you'll be unable to access your class' Transcendent skills, putting you at a disadvantage.


  1. As a Novice, talk to the Main NPC, choose the Job Changer option and choose Baby Job Changer. This will turn you into a Baby Novice.
  2. Gain experience until you reach Job Level 10.
  3. Job change into your First Job as a Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Acolyte, or Super Novice.
  4. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 50.
  5. Job change into your chosen Second Job.
  6. Gain enough experience until you've reached a Base Level of 500.
  7. To change into a Third Job class, go to the Baby 3rd Job Changer NPC in caspen 158 223.

Unless you know what you're doing, choosing to become a Baby Class has the immediate disadvantage of having no access to the Transcendent Skills, and they have lower stats compared to normal classes. Take note that a Baby Novice also cannot job change into a Ninja, Gunslinger, or a Taekwon Kid.


  1. As a Novice, gain experience until you reach Job Level 10.
  2. Job change into your Extended First Job as a Ninja, Gunslinger, or Taekwon Kid.
  3. Gain enough experience until you reach Job Level 50.
  4. Job change into your chosen Extended Second Job.
  5. Gain enough experience until you've reached a Base Level of 500 and the maximum job level for your class.

Skip Leveling

If you're a seasoned player or you just don't wish to burden yourself with the process of leveling a new character, you can opt to skip leveling and instantly change jobs. For this you can talk to the Instant Job Changer NPC in Poring Island (@warp poring01 126 210). Regardless of the base level, your job needs to be a Novice to use the Instant Job Changer service. Changing into a Baby Novice will prevent you from using this service. Dorams also cannot use this service.

The Instant Job Changer NPC will allow you to choose from all available human job classes, instantly become base level 500, instantly get the maximum job level for your chosen class, and all skill applicable to your class are all upgraded to their maximum skill levels.

Trying to reset your skills will only return enough skill points as if you've normally leveled. However, to remedy this, you can talk to the Main NPC, select Stat/Skill Reset, and choose the Max All Skill option. As the name implies, this instantly sets all of your skills to their maximum level.

If you chose to use the Instant Job Changer NPC, you will be unable to acquire the extra Bubblegum item from an achievement once you've reached level 500.

STEP 3.2: Game Commands and Shortcuts

Client Commands

Main Article: Client Commands
These are the basic commands that you'll be using.


Main Article: @Command List
These commands offers a wide variety of convenience when playing. Familiarize these commands and memorize those commands that you use often.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Main Article: Keyboard Shortcuts
Rather than using your mouse and clicking things on your screen, it's much more efficient to familiarize and memorize these shortcuts.

STEP 4.0: Tutorial Quests and Achievement System

Tutorial Quests

As of April 3 2023, the Tutorial Quest NPC was added in caspen 179 212. Talk to this NPC to start the Tutorial Quests which all give a bunch of useful rewards. Completing certain Tutorial Quests will also unlock Challenge Missions. Each time you complete a Challenge Mission, it will be replaced with a higher level mission of the same name. These Challenge Missions also grant rewards once you've satisfied the requirements for each level. There's no rush in completing all of the Tutorial Quests and Challenge Quests. If you constantly play the game and do most of the things indicated in the Tutorial Quests a lot, you'll eventually complete them.

Achievement System

Main Article: Achievements System
By doing various aspects of the game, they may give Achievement Rewards. This system was implemented way before the Tutorial Quests as indicated above. Some of the highest level achievements may be bugged and you might need to create a Helpdesk Ticket for it to be resolved.

STEP 4.1: Earning Zeny

Vending Items

Probably the most straightforward way of earning Zeny. You can broadcast or make a pub to advertise that you're selling items directly to other players.

With a merchant you can also go to @go vend and set up shop there. After setting up your merchant vendor, you can type in @autotrade to allow your merchant to vend while you're offline. If you wish that the merchant will continue to vend, make sure not to login the account that contains the merchant. For this reason, players often make separate accounts for the sole purpose of vending items.

Automated Events

Every thirty minutes, treasure boxes will spawn in a random map that contain a 500M Zeny Bag. An announcement will be made one minute before the boxes spawn and it will also indicate the map they will appear. There will be a lot of treasure boxes but only five of them contains the rewards.

Zeph Missions

Main Article: Zeph Missions
Basically kill the required number of monsters and you'll be rewarded with Zeny. Recommended jobs to do Zeph Missions are classes that have/can have access to area of effect skills like Warlocks, Rangers, Genetics, Shadow Chasers, and Super Novice.

Daily Quest Missions

Scavenger Hunt

Doing Instances

Fishing for Fishes

Caspen Dungeon

Mining for Minerals

Forging Equipment

Donation Path

STEP 4.2: Getting Equipment

Daily Quest Missions

Vote4Points Shop

Headgear Quests

Main Article: Headgear Quests

Automated Events

  • Poring Catcher Event - Find the correct poring that is named Poring. The other monsters and porings will have names to confuse players. Other monsters will also be in the map like Drops and Marin.
  • Dice Event - Pick and choose a number for every round and stand in that number's box. The last player standing wins.
  • Goblin Invasion Event - Find and kill the goblin named "Goblin Leader". Classes that can cast water-element area of effect skills are commonly used for this event. Additionally, the goblins themselves drop useful consumable items.
  • Survival Event - Do your best to hide and run from Murder Porings. Be the last player standing in the map to win. You can join using any job class.
  • Guild Raid - Join a guild and take down bosses and phantoms inside the Guild Raid map to earn Void Essence (purchase Vanilla Headgears) and Enchanting Rose (enchant Vanilla Headgears).

MVP Hunter

Main Article: MVP Hunter
If you find it a hassle to searching maps where MVPs spawn, or your luck ran out in using Bloody Branches, the MVP Hunter offers a solution to your problems.

Fused MVP Cards

Main Article: Fused MVP Cards
Not a really lucrative form of farming for new players since it requires diving into the custom dungeon, Bossnia, and other slightly expensive items. If your character has just become a Hero Character and they have access to water-element area of effect (AoE) skills, then Bossnia might be a good map to start farming for your Hero EXP as well as getting the Red, Blue, and Yellow Charms used for MVP Card Fusion.

Seasonal Events Events

Donation Path

Main Article: Donation Rewards - Currencies
If you have donated to the server and acquired Donation Credits, talk to the Donation Girl NPC to purchase various in-game currencies. You can then use these currencies to purchase items and equipment from in-game shops.

STEP 5.1: Road from Hero to Elite

Consolidated Guide: Hero and Elite Hero
When you've geared yourself enough or have already replaced your Returner's Set, it's time to start your path in becoming a Hero. The road is long and tedious, but it's the way in making your character stronger.

1. Becoming a Hero Character

Main Article: Hero Quest
This is your first step. Complete this quest and officially become a Hero.

2. Ranking Up Your Hero Character

Main Article: Ranking Up Your Hero Character
In order to rise up the ranks as a Hero, you'll need to earn Hero EXP. As indicated above, there are various ways of earning this EXP. Aside from those, there's a Corrupt Hero Trainer inside the Hero Temple who is willing to help you earn Hero EXP at a much faster rate. You can check your current rank and other details by using the @hero command.

Once you've reached 12,553,600 Hero EXP you'll now become a Rank C Hero, and you can now begin the Rank C Weapon Quest. You need to do this quest before you reach Rank B Hero (48,567,000 Hero EXP), otherwise, you'll be unable to do the Rank C Weapon Quest anymore, and you'll only be able to do the Rank B Weapon Quest. Once you've reached the required EXP and rank for Rank B Hero, you can begin the Rank C Weapon Quest. For both quests, you'll be rewarded a weapon suited for your class. Be careful when choosing because once you've chosen and acquired the weapon, it's no longer possible to exchange it for a different weapon. However, the Rank B and C weapons are tradable and you can buy those from players.

3. Taking on the Elite Hero Quest

Main Article: Elite Hero Quest
Once you've reached a Hero EXP of at least 98,000,000 and you're already a Rank B Hero, you can now begin the quest to become an Elite Hero. After becoming an Elite Hero, you gain access to the @elite command. For a fee, you'll also gain access to the Elite Temple and all of the various shops and services inside.

4. Acquiring Your First Elite Weapon

Main Article: Elite Weapon
After completing the Hero Quest, the next step is to make your Elite Weapon.

5. Joining a Division

Main Article: Hero Division
Once you've obtained your first Elite Weapon, you can now finally join a Division.

6. Getting Your Division Glove

Main Article: Division Glove
Once you've joined a Division, it's time to create your Division Glove.

Donation Path

Main Article: Division Rewards - Usables
If you have donated to the server and acquired donation credits or Donation Tokens, you can talk to the Donation Girl NPC or to the [Donation] Misc Shop in @go 49 to avail of various service that allow you to autocomplete various parts of the Hero-Elite Hero Journey. You can also avail of the Spirit of Heroism to instantly become an Elite Hero with various benefits.

STEP 5.2: Joining PVP

Once you've geared up, or even if you're still using your Returner's Set, you can always try and participate in these two PvP categories.


Main Article: Battlegrounds
Participation rewards Silvervine Fruit, Battle Badges, and Yinyang Flowers. Silvervine Fruit is commonly exchanged into Mora Coins in order to enchant Mora Equipment. Battle Badges are the currency used to purchase various items in the Battlegrounds Shop in @go bg or in the Discounted Battlegrounds Shop inside the Elite Temple. Yinyang Flowers are used to enchant Shapeless Weapons.

War of Emperium

Main Article: War of Emperium (WoE)
Join active guilds and lay siege to your opponent's castles.

Combat Training

Main Article: Combat Training
Combat mission is a daily PVP task. The purpose of this task is to kill some people in PVP Arena (at Hero Arena/3rds Arena). Here you can get Combat Coins which can be used to buy useful gears.

EXTRA STEPS: Roads Beyond Elite

Division Events

Main Article: Division Events
At the moment, the only Division Event that's running is Save The Princess (STP). Participate here to earn Event Salaries, Weekly Salaries, and Daily Salaries.

High Level Instances

Elite Dungeon

Main Article: Elite Dungeon

Elite Endless Tower

Guild Instance

Main Article: Guild Instance

Hero Happy Hour

Main Article: Hero Happy Hour

Hero Arena

Main Article: Hero Arena

Other Useful Pages

Item Catalog

  • For the most part, you can probably search up an item in the wiki search box. However, this page has most custom items catalogued so that you'll have an easier time looking for them.

HSS - Hero Specialty Skills

  • A recent addition to spice up the PvP and PvE scenario.

Headgear Sets

  • Take a look at various headgear sets that are obtainable in BraveRO! Note that some of these sets may be only available during Seasonal Events.

Vanilla Headgears and Vanilla Enchants

  • These are headgears that you can customize with various effects.

Custom Pets

  • If you want to have a companion on your journey or wish to have additional stats and effects, then a pet is what you might need.

Premium Stylist and Costume Specialist

  • If you have acquired a Premium Stylist Service item, use it to fully avail of the Premium Stylist NPC's service. If you have a headgear that you wish to become a costume, look for the Costume Specialist in caspen 183 221 and bring 1x Fashion Voucher and 3x BraveRO Tokens. Headgears that have been turned into a costume cannot be reverted back into their original states. Headgears turned into a costume will lose their stats and effects.