Pvp Arena

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There are 6 types of pvp arenas in BraveRO
Duel Arena, Hero Arena, 3rds Arena, Battlegrounds, Clash of Divisions, Phantasmagoria/HHH

PVP manager NPC

To Join PVP maps:

  • PvP Manager - for Duel Arena, Hero Arena, 3rds Arena, Phantasmagoria/HHH located in main towns
  • @go bg - to join Battlegrounds queue
  • @go cod - to join Clash of Division

Duel Arena Map

Duel Arena

In duel arena you can test your build and fight with your rivals, 3rd job skills enabled so feel free to throw your ultimate combos into one enemy. Duel Arena is also used for PVP tournaments held by our Admin, and GM team. You can only get Honorable kills here not Elite Weapon kills.

 Ygg Berries and other potions disabled.
 Assumptio Enabled 

Hero Arena Map

Hero Arena

Hero Arena is the main pvp map good for either party or solo, join clashes with other players when it gets heated up. 3rd job skills disabled, only 2nd job to trans job skills are enabled. If you reached more than 10 kill streak there will be a bounty of 100 million on your head, You can get both Honorable kills and Elite Weapon kills inside this arena.

 Ygg Berries and other potions disabled.
 Talk to PvP guard from the left and right side of the map to heal and repair items 
 Heals have 1 minute cooldown.
 Assumptio Enabled

3rd Jobs Arena Map

3rds Arena

3rds Arena is the other arena with clashes just like Hero Arena. 3rd job skills enabled so it gets a little bit crazy when there's clash and 3rd skills enabled. In this arena if you reached 15 kill streak you will have summoned monsters (Dogs and Bakunawa which hurts a lot). You can get both Honorable kills and Elite Weapon kills inside this arena.

 Ygg Berries and other potions disabled.
 PVP guards are in the north, south, east, west of the map. You can talk to them to heal or to repair items.
 Heals have 1 minute cooldown.
 Assumptio enabled.

Clash of Division

For more info about Clash of Division please check Clash Of Division

 Ygg Berries enabled
 Assumptio Enabled


For more info about battlegrounds please check Battlegrounds

 Ygg Berries enabled.
 Assumptio disabled. 


For more info about Phantasmagoria/HHH please check Phantasmagoria HHH General Guides

 Ygg Berries enabled
 Assumptio Enabled

Important Note

  • If you want to PVP in Phantasmagoria map enable PK mode when talking to PVP manager