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2025 Feb 10 News

Premium Fishing Packages These Premium Fishing Packages are intended to jump start your fishing career. Some of the items contained in these packages are extremely rare and will drastically optimize your fishing experience! If interested, you can purchase these Premium Fishing Packages at the BraveRO Market (@go market) in the [Donation] Misc Shop using Donation Credits. For information on how to donate, you may visit this page: 32050 - Premium Fishing Beginner Package1x Wishmaker EX 1x Plateau Adventure Vest 1x [Fishing] Summer Pool 1x [Fishing] Juanderer Hat 15x Pure Stamina Potion 5x Leviathan Potion 5x Ambergris Potion 5x Sea Magnet Potion 5x Sand Crab Potion 5x Beast Potion 5x Poseidon Blessing Potion 1x Diamond Fishing Package 1x Diamond Fishing License (30 days) - 1,500x [Bait] Fresh Lobster - 10x Pure Stamina Potion - 100x [Attractant] Mermaid Milk - 10x Blood Branch Coral - 1x Fetch + 1 - 1x Loot Rate + 1 32051 - Premium Fishing Adept Package1x Expert Prayer for Big Fish EX 1x Sitting Aquarium EX 1x [Fishing] Azure Sedora Fishing Hat EX 1x Poseidon Fishing Gloves 1x Wishmaker Vest EX 1x Wishmaker Boots EX 30x Pure Stamina Potion 15x Leviathan Potion 15x Ambergris Potion 15x Sea Magnet Potion 15x Sand Crab Potion 15x Beast Potion 15x Poseidon Blessing Potion 1x Diamond Fishing Package - 1x Diamond Fishing License (30 days) - 1,500x [Bait] Fresh Lobster - 10x Pure Stamina Potion - 100x [Attractant] Mermaid Milk - 10x Blood Branch Coral - 1x Fetch + 1 - 1x Loot Rate + 1 32052 - Premium Fishing Expert Package1x Aetherline Hook 1x Fishing Master Coat 1x Poseidon Fishing Glove EX 1x [Fishing] Divine Dragon Fetcher Hat 3x Fishing Master Proof 2x Fishing Coupon (Exchange for available Fishing Headgear of choice) 1x Mythical Pet Coupon (Exchange for available Mythical pet of choice) 20x [Super Food] Poring Kombucha 25x Leviathan Potion 25x Ambergris Potion 25x Sea Magnet Potion 25x Sand Crab Potion 25x Beast Potion 25x Poseidon Blessing Potion

2025 Feb 10 News

New Elite Dungeon Card Suggestions Hey guys! We're gonna implement a new dungeon! The tentative name of this new is: Elite Dungeon - Call and Scream for Daddy Mode :3 Details for this new dungeon will be made available in the near future. This suggestion thread will be open from February 10, 2025 up to February 22, 2025.  However, before you can all experience this exciting new dungeon, we'd like to hear your suggestions for new cards!Post your suggestions in this forum thread. You can suggest as many cards available below or as few as you like. For example, you're free to only suggest a Paladin Card, or you can make a suggestion for all seven cards. Make sure to specify the name, effect, card slot (headgear, armor, weapon, shield, garment, shoes, or accessory). Make sure to follow the suggestion format below for ease of reading and consolidating your suggestions. You can suggest any effect that you like! However, in the end, we will still have to balance, adjust, or completely overhaul an effect to make it at least more balanced. Here are the new cards that will be implemented. You have to add a prefix or suffix of your choice to these card names. SUGGESTION FORMAT CARD NAME - CARD EFFECT - CARD PLACEMENT - SAMPLE SUGGESTION CARD NAME - Divine Paladin Card CARD EFFECT - Increase Max HP by 30,000 - Increase Sacrifice damage by 5% - Increase Cannon Spear damage by 5% - Unstackable If weapon refine is +10 - Autocast Guard when receiving attacks - Increase Range by +3 CARD PLACEMENT - Weapon

2025 Feb 07 News

[Phase 1] Hearts & Harvest Revelry - Valentines Event 2025 EVENT DURATION: February 7, 2025 - March 14, 2025 The season of love has arrived in Brave RO! Cupid's arrows have struck the land, bringing romance, adventure, and sweet rewards for all.  Starts on February 7, 2025. The Valentine’s Event begins with ingredient gathering and intimacy food crafting! You can start collecting ingredients now and craft them later to gift to select NPCs when Phase 2 of this seasonal event begins. ♥INTIMACY FOODS There are four Intimacy Foods that can be crafted via the Master Cherf NPC in caspen 170 215. Each food will require various ingredients to make Each food item has special effects when consumed by players. However, it's up to you whether to to gift them to NPCs in Phase 2 or keep them for your personal use! Take note that these foods cannot be made using the "Freestyle Cooking System" at this time. ♥ Box of Chocolates ♥ - Increase fishing Fetch by 5 for 6 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:1x Cow Milk 1x White Chocolate 1x Dark Chocolate 1x Turkey Egg 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Eggnog ♥ - Increase your fishing Defense Ignore by 10 for 3 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:1x Cow Milk 1x White Chocolate 1x Turkey Egg 50x Glacial Heart (obtained from Ice Titan) 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Meat Sandwich ♥ -  Increase your fishing Mythical Attraction by 2 for 3 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy -Ingredients:1x Monster Meat (obtained from Fishing) 1x Aromatic Wood (obtained from Fishing) 1x Turkey Egg 1x Cow Milk 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Mulled Wine ♥ - Increase your fishing Midnight Attraction by 1 for 6 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:1x Cow Milk 1x White Chocolate 1x Dark Chocolate 1x Culinary Fruit (obtained from Fishing) 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥OBTAINING INGREDIENTS Ingredients can be collected through various methods:Turkey Egg – You can get 5x eggs from Attendance NPC every server day. You can also acquire them by winning automated events. Drops at a low rate from instance mobs. Also drops from instance bosses. Cow Milk – Obtained by feeding the cow in caspen 174 211 every 30 minutes. The Cow will only eat Seaweed, which is found in Fishing. White Chocolate – Dropped by monsters in Caspen Dungeon and Bossnia at a low rate. Drops at a low rate from instance mobs. Also drops from instance bosses. Dark Chocolate – A rare item, only obtainable from Battlegrounds. Other ingredients – Can be obtained through fishing. Cupid's Arrow of Love - Added 5% chance to get cupid arrow when killing monsters in Bossnia and Caspen Dungeon. Take note that this is script-based, thus isn't affected by drop rate boosters such as Bubblegum, and Fortuna Card. You can also acquire various ingredients, as well as the seasonal currency, Cupid's Arrow of Love, by doing and participating in various regular sever features: Show Content Spoiler BATTLEGROUNDS Simply type in Towns or inside the BG Lobby ( bg) Additional Info on BG Rounds: Battlegrounds Wiki Info Win5% chance to get Dark Chocolate 10% chance to get Turkey Egg Additional chance to get extra drop rewards (including Alecsander, Cassandra, and Velvet Valentine Letter) 20% chance to get Seasonal Festival Ticket Lose1% chance to get Dark Chocolate 3% chance to get Turkey Egg Additional chance to get extra drop rewards DAILY QUEST Daily Quest NPC is found at caspen 184 183 Additional Info: Daily Quest Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 2x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN 500 PVP Additional Info: 500 PvP Event Wiki Info200x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x White Chocolate 5x Dark Chocolate FINISH ZEPH HUNTING MISSIONS The Zeph NPC is found in casp_auct02 43 27 Additional Info: Zeph Hunt Wiki Info(Mission level/3)x Cupid's Arrow of Love WIN GOBLIN INVASION Additional Info: Goblin Invasion Wiki Info150x Cupid's Arrow of Love 3x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN SURVIVAL EVENT Additional Info: Survival Event Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1 x Paragon Ticket WIN DICE EVENT Additional Info: Dice Event Wiki Info350x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN PORING CATCHER Additional Info: Poring Catcher Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket COMPLETE SCAVENGER HUNT You can submit your Scavenger Hunt in casp_in01 49 189 Additional Info: Scavenger Hunt Wiki Info50x Cupid's Arrow of Love 1x Turkey Egg TREASURE BOX HUNT This happens every 30 minutes. Hit the correct boxes to get rewards.25x Cupid's Arrow of Love 1x White Chocolate ♥ATTENDANCE NPC You can sign up once every server day! Attendance will reset every 00:00 server time. You can also acquire 5x Turkey Eggs per attendance. ♥ BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE HEADGEARS For winning a Battlegrounds round, there's a 0.5% chance to get the Alecsander and/or Cassandra upper headgears! ♥ Alecsander - Reduces damage received from Demi-Humans by 35% - ATK/MATK +5% ♥ Cassandra - Reduces damage received from Demi-Humans by 35% - ATK/MATK +5% ♥ INGREDIENT SHOP If you have some spare Cupid's Arrow of Love, you can use them to purchase ingredients. You can find this shop in caspen 166 209. Start Date: Coming soon! You can earn rewards by leveling your intimacy towards special NPCs that will be released in Phase 2. Collect this event's seasonal currency, Cupid's Arrow of Love. You can use this currency to purchase old and new Valentine-themed headgears! To be announced! ♥ The Break Up Event! ♥ The Event Finale will be held on March 14, 2025 at around 07:00 server time. The Event Finale will feature the release of rare headgears, as well as the Raffle NPC. Game Masters (GM) will also hold various special in-game events. Winners of these events will win prizes! Since the Finale marks the end of the event, when the Event Finale begins, a bunch of stuff may be disabled which may include but not limited to the following:Event monsters inside will no longer drop items. Raid Bosses will be disabled Disable earning of Tokens and other event currencies/items from features. Additionally, starting March 15, 2025, some or all event NPCs will be removed or slowly removed over time. ♥DONATION CREDIT ITEMS We offer event items via the Donation Girl NPC for those who have limited time or are unable to farm as much as they'd like. Item ID, Item Name, Price:To be added Various giftcodes might be posted from time to time in BraveRO's Discord Server, under the Giftcodes channel. You can use these giftcodes by talking to the Gift Code NPC in Caspen [caspen 179 188]. Codes may contain various items and goodies that may be usable during this event. Don't wait too long though since the codes have limited stocks, thus it's a first come, first served basis. You can also join Discord Raffle Events for a chance win various prizes. If you're still new, you can ask for help in the appropriate channel in the Discord Server. Admins, GMs, SPs, and other seasoned players may be able to assist you. If you haven't joined the BraveRO Discord Server yet, simply use this invite link: To any new player reading this: As you've noticed, the event is "separated" by Phases. If you're thinking that you can't avail or participate in certain stuff if you happen to start in Phase 2 or beyond, worry not! This only means that with each new Phase, additional features and items will be implemented. For example, if you see that the title of the thread is already at Phase 3, you can still do and participate on the events that are indicated in Phase 1 and 2, as long as there's still ample time to do them, or the conditions for participation are still applicable. This also applies to any and all future seasonal events, unless otherwise specified.

2025 Jan 08 News

Banner Creation Contest Greetings BraveRO Adventurers! We'd like to announce our official banner creation contest! Showcase your creativity and design skills by submitting an advertising banner for BraveRO. Winning entries (1~5) will be used in promotions seen by thousands worldwide, and the top designers will a handsome reward! Contest Details Dimensions: 468px (width) x 90px (height) Format: GIF (Animated banners are a huge plus!) Content: Highlight any features or aspects of BraveRO that you believe will attract new players—feel free to incorporate any of the server highlights we’ve listed below. Submission:Post your entry this forums thread. You are welcome to upload to any image share site and post the link here. Deadline: January 25, 2025. Make sure to submit your banner on this topic by this date! [*]Custom Features:Proprietary Storyline Quest Mining, Fishing & Forging System Thousands of custom headgears Custom & Official Instances Battleground Ranking System Intense WoE Division Events 2nd and 3rd Job PvP Custom Pets Automated Events [*]International Proxies available for smooth gameplay anywhere in the world. We’re proud of our balanced gameplay, custom systems, and community-driven environment. Now, we want your help in showing BraveRO to the world in style! PrizesTop Banners: A $100 USD Donation Credit Package Note: By submitting your banner, you agree that BraveRO may use or display it for promotional purposes on our websites, forums, and social media pages. Note2: You can submit an unlimited amount of banners. Tips & SuggestionsHighlight the high rate aspect and easy progression that let players jump straight into the competitive scene. Emphasize our custom features: from storyline quests to forging, from fishing to mining—there’s plenty that sets us apart! Mention PvP/WoE events and how balanced skills & formulas bring unique enjoyment. Be creative! Use eye-catching text, fonts, and vibrant images to represent BraveRO’s spirit. Ready, Set, Create! We’re excited to see what this amazing community can do. Good luck, and may the best banners win! — The BraveRO Team

2024 Dec 13 News

[Ended] Last Fantasy Event 2024 EVENT DURATION: DECEMBER 13, 2024 - JANUARY 18, 2025 I am the Spirit of Last Fantasy, a gift to mark this magical time. As the year draws to a close, I bring stories of cheer, warmth, and holiday wonder. I am a spirit and provider of the time titled "The Last Fantasy." A collection of festive memories, wrapped in ribbons of joy and sprinkled with the magic of snowflakes. Take this tome and relive the enchantment of the Yultide season through its pages. May my stories bring a twinkle to your eye and remind you of the magic of Christmas and the Miracle of New Year. Let us cherish this festive season together, creating moments to warm your heart in the coldest night. It truly is a seasons to remember, isn't it? Keep exploring the wonders of the season. With every step, new joys and treasures await. May the "Last Fantasy" fill your days with joy and magic! ~Spirit of the Season~ ★ EVENT EQUIPMENT ★ You find the Midgard Dragon Knight in Caspen ( caspen 174 215). She thanks you for your aid last year in uncovering the mysteries that surround Christmas City. But, alas! They have discovered traces of residual magic, but someone or something is concealing its source. Whatever force is causing this is far more dangerous than they have anticipated. However, a new problem as surfaced amongst this chaos. The festive supplies which are crucial for the celebrations have been stolen! She enlists your aid and gives you your own Winter Wonderland Set, and a Divine Weapon (these items have a time limit of 45-days).  Once you're set, you can enter Christmas City by talking to the Midgard Dragon Knight, or warping directly to Christmas City ( xmas_city). In order to deal significant damage to the various monsters you find inside Christmas City, you will need to equip the Winter Wonderland Set and Divine Weapon. You can further strengthen your Divine Weapon by talking to the Divine Upgrader ( xmas_city 165 196). For each upgrading attempt, it will cost 50x Star Coins. You can acquire Star Coins by doing the various activities for this event. You can upgrade your Divine Weapon up to level 10. Once it reaches level 10, it will deal higher damage to the monsters. At the very least, you should wear the weapon, the accessory, and the lower headgear. These items contribute damage in terms of HP% against monsters inside Christmas City. Wear these three, along with a fully upgraded weapon, to deal maximum damage. The monsters drop a bunch of items. Loot and save these items for future phases. ★ COMPENDIUM: LAST FANTASY ★ This Christmas, the Last Fantasy compendium has been added, with a total of 250 levels. The levels of of this compendium will be increased with each phase. As with the previous compendiums, you will need to level up both facets through various in-game features. You can get your own Last Fantasy Compendium Book in Christmas City ( xmas_city 159 192). For Phase 1, the maximum compendium level is 50. You can open your compendium book to check the rewards for PVP Facet, PVE Facet, as well as the Premium Rewards. ★ COMPENDIUM EXP SOURCES ★ Open the spoiler below for the complete list of activities that will give you Compendium EXP, either PVP or PVP. For automated events, you can use the command in-game to check. Note that the times indicated are in server time. Use the command to see the current server time. Show Content Spoiler SOCIAL TASKBOARD The Social Taskboard is found in atlantis 130 229. Additional Info: Social Taskboard Wiki Info50 PVE Facet Compendium EXP per Finished Task BATTLEGROUNDS Simply type in Towns or inside the BG Lobby ( bg) Additional Info on BG Rounds: Battlegrounds Wiki Info Win8x BG playtime Star Coins 30% chance to get Last Fantasy Key. 250 PVP Facet Compendium EXP (cap at 6000 a day) 2% chance to get 1x Last Fantasy Battle EXP crystal (no cap) Additional chance to get extra drop rewards Lose6x BG playtime Star Coins 15% chance to get Last Fantasy Key. 150 PVP Facet Compendium EXP (cap at 6000 a day) 0.5% chance to get 1x Last Fantasy Battle EXP crystal  (no cap) DAILY QUEST Daily Quest NPC is found at caspen 184 183 Additional Info: Daily Quest Wiki Info250x Star Coins 250x PVE Facet Compendium EXP 1x Paragon Ticket 2x [Bait] Icy Snow Heart COMPENDIUM DAILY QUEST See additional details in the Daily Quest Section of this thread.5x Last Fantasy Coin 250 PVE Facet Compendium EXP Zeny and other stuff WIN 500 PVP Additional Info: 500 PvP Event Wiki Info200x Star Coins 300 PVP Facet Compendium EXP 1x Paragon Ticket FINISH ZEPH HUNTING MISSIONS The Zeph NPC is found in casp_auct02 43 27 Additional Info: Zeph Hunt Wiki Info(Mission level/3)x Star Coins WIN GOBLIN INVASION Additional Info: Goblin Invasion Wiki Info150x Star Coins 1x Paragon Ticket 200 PVE Facet Compendium EXP WIN SURVIVAL EVENT Additional Info: Survival Event Wiki Info250x Star Coins 1 x Paragon Ticket 300 PVE Facet Compendium EXP WIN DICE EVENT Additional Info: Dice Event Wiki Info350x Star Coins 1x Paragon Ticket 300 PVE Facet Compendium EXP WIN PORING CATCHER Additional Info: Poring Catcher Wiki Info350x Star Coins 1x Paragon Ticket 350 PVE Facet Compendium EXP COMPLETE SCAVENGER HUNT You can submit your Scavenger Hunt in casp_in01 49 189 Additional Info: Scavenger Hunt Wiki Info50x Star Coins 1x [Bait] Icy Snow Heart WHEEL OF FORTUNE You can fin the Wheel of Fortune NPC in cmd_in02 189 116 Additional Info: Wheel of Fortune Wiki Info150 PVE Facet Compendium EXP TREASURE BOX HUNT This happens every 30 minutes. Hit the correct boxes to get rewards.50x Star Coins 1x [Bait] Icy Snow Heart ★ SEALED COMPENDIUM BOXES ★You can claim these Sealed Compendium Boxes via your Compendium. You will need a Last Fantasy Key to open 1 Sealed Treasure Box. The maximum amount of Sealed Compendium Boxes that you can acquire from your Compendium is equal to the lowest level of both of your PVE and PVE Facet Levels. If your current PVE Facet Level is 5 and your current PVP Facet Level is 20, the maximum number of boxes that you can claim is 5. If your PVE Facet Level increases to 10 later on, you can acquire an additional 5 boxes. Sealed Compendium Boxes are tradable. The Last Fantasy Keys are tradable as well. Thus, you can sell your boxes to players if you don't have enough keys to open them. You can open as many Sealed Compendium Boxes as you want, as long that you have enough Last Fantasy Keys. ★ PREMIUM COMPENDIUM REWARDS ★ Premium Rewards can be accessed via the Compendium. You can unlock it by paying either 2,500x 1B Zeny Bags or 150x Donation Tokens. Take note that the level of your premium rewards will depend on your PvE and PvP facet levels. The level will be the lower of either PvE or PvP facet. For example, if your PvE facet is level 20, but your PvP facet is still level 13, your Premium Rreward level will be 13. ★ COMPENDIUM DAILY QUEST ★ You need to kill 200 of a specified monster to complete your Compendium Daily Quest. You can access this Quest by opening your Compendium Book and selecting the Daily Quest option. Take note that this can be taken only once per day. Rewards include 5x Last Fantasy Coins, 250x PVE Facet Compendium EXP, and additional Zeny and items. ★ DAILY ATTENDANCE ★ You can find the Attendance NPC in Christmas City  xmas_city 162 193). You can sign up for attendance ONCE per server day. This resets every 00:00 server time (check to see the current server time).  ★ GEAR HUNT NPC ★ Through this NPC, you can select one headgear from a curated list, and then all mobs in Christmas City will have a 0.01% chance to drop your chosen headgear. You can find this NPC in Christmas City ( xmas_city 152 192). Note that drop rate boosters will not affect the drop rate of the chosen headgear, and you can only hunt for one headgear at a time. Use the command to check your current gear hunting status. You can change your target headgear at any time. For instance, if you initially chose the Vulcano Wings but later decide you want the Hellfire Bapho Horn, simply return to the Gear Hunting NPC and select the new headgear and pay Scarlet Snow Flowers. Each headgear selection requires a small payment of Scarlet Snow Flowers. This fee is non-refundable, even if you do not obtain the headgear from hunting monsters. ★ HEADGEAR SHOPS ★ At the moment, you can find two Headgear Shops inside Christmas City ( xmas_city 168 203). These Shops sell headgears that were available in previous Christmas Seasonal EventsOld Pastry Shop / Vanilla Shop - This shop only sells Vanilla Headgears Christmas Shop / Red Larva Shop - While this shop sells Vanilla Headgears, it also sells older headgears that already have effects on them. ★ CHRISTMAS INVASION RACE ★ Race Schedule. These times are based on server time. Use to check the current server time. 02:03 | 05:03 | 08:03 | 11:03 | 14:03 | 17:03 | 20:03 | 23:03 For 30 minutes, you will be tasked with killing monsters with the Mischievous, Naughty, and Playful prefixes. These new monsters will spawn for the duration of the race and killing them will give 1~3 Hunting Point. A random global buff will also be active during this time. The top 3 hunters will get extra rewards after the race. These monsters will also reward players with seasonal points. REWARDS: Show Content Spoiler FIRST PLACE 300x Star Coins 2x 500 PVE EXP crystals. 30x Scarlet Snow Flowers 1x 1b zeny bag 1x Raffle Ticket 10 Race Points SECOND PLACE 250x Star Coins 1x 500 PVE EXP crystals. 20x Scarlet Flowers 1x 500m zeny bag 1x Raffle Ticket 8 Race Points THIRD PLACE 150x Star Coins 3x 100 PVE EXP crystals. 15x Scarlet Snow Flowers 1x 500m zeny bag 1x Raffle Ticket 6 Race Points FOURTH AND FIFTH PLACE 4 / 2 Race Points Respectively 2 x 100 PVE EXP crystals. ★ MYST CASE HUNT ★ After the Invasion Race concludes, the Myst Case Hunt will begin. For 25 minutes, Myst Cases will spawn inside Christmas City. Hunt these monsters to obtain various rewards! The top 3 hunters will get extra rewards after the race. ★ ICE QUEEN RAID BOSS ★ Raid Schedule (Server Time) Use to check. 04:10 | 07:10 | 10:10 | 13:10 | 16:10 | 19:10 | 22:10 | 01:10 Rules & Warnings:Multi-clienting for extra rewards is strictly forbidden—violators will face harsh penalties. The boss deals massive damage and summons powerful minions capable of wiping players. Only active players (not idle or just auto-attacking) will qualify for rewards. Stay mobile! Dead players and those outside the map won't receive rewards. RewardThe party of the last hitter has a high chance of earning a random bonus reward for each members. Extremely rare rewards include some vanilla headgears, fused cards, hallow city treasure keys end game equipment, etc. ★ SEASONAL EVENT BUFF NPC ★ If you have excess Seasonal Points, and you wish to spice up your farming time, talk to the Christmas Blessing NPC in Christmas City ( xmas_city 147 195) to obtain various buffs! Each minute of the buff will cost you 4 seasonal points. Remember that the buff will only work inside Christmas City. Do take note that the buffs will continue to run even though you're offline.Snow Wish Buff - Adds chance to get Raffle Tickets when killing Christmas mobs. Golden Christmas Buff - Adds a chance to obtain Zeny Bags when killing Christmas mobs. Snow Fall Buff - Adds a chance to obtain Paragon Tickets when killing Christmas mobs. Scarlet Rose Buff - Adds a chance to obtain Scarlet Snow Flowers when killing Christmas mobs. ★ CHRISTMAS SHOAL: ICY AQUARIUM ★Location: xmas_city 161 169 Key Features Dynamic Fish Stats: Fish strength scales with your raw power and line strength. Accessible to All: No level requirement—everyone can join! Expanded Catch List: 12 new fish species added, with more arriving soon. No captchas required, but voting is still necessary to participate. Bait Requirement: Icy Snow Heart—this special bait can even lure mythical fishes. Event Mechanics: 1 Stamina per fishing attempt; 15 minutes cooldown time ★ DELIVERY TASKBOARD ★NPC Location: xmas_city 162 184 Hourly Refresh: Every hour (e.g., 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 server time), you’ll receive 10 random tasks on the Delivery Taskboard. Material Requests: Tasks will require specific materials, and completing them gives you a chance to earn rare rewards alongside more common ones. No Pressure: You don’t need to complete all tasks! If something’s not to your liking, just wait for the next cycle to get a fresh batch of tasks. Account Bound: The Taskboard is bound to your Gepard ID, device ID, or account, ensuring personalized progress. Complete a variety of tasks to earn Star Coins, EXP Crystals, Fishing Baits, Zeny Bags, and more! ★ COMPENDIUM: LAST FANTASY ★ Maximum Compendium Level will be increased to 100. ★ ENCHANTERS ★ Enchanters are now available inside xmas_city (xmas_city 135, 220). ★ HOUSE OF TRIAL HEADGEARS ★ You can purchase House of Trial headgears inside xmas_city (xmas_city 175, 219). You will need a HoT Purchase Ticket, which can be obtained from the compendium or through delivery tasks by chance. ★ MINING SITES ★ A new mining site has been added in Christmas City: The Cold Steel Mine. (It currently appears as "Grave Mine" because a reload is required to update the name.) ★ HOURLY DELIVERY TASKBOARD ★ Added more possible delivery tasks and rewards. ★ BUFFER NPC FIX ★ The Buffer NPC should now work properly with normal monsters. ★ NEW SOCIAL GEAR SUPPORT ★ Added support for new fishing gears, pets, and mining gears. (Some of these will be implemented throughout Phase 2). A new type of fish will be added throughout Phase 2. ★ COMPENDIUM: LAST FANTASY ★ Maximum Compendium Level will be increased to 250. EVENT CURRENTLY AT PHASE 2. Please wait for future announcements. Thank you. ^^ The Event Finale will be held on January 18, 2025. This usually happens before or after the of War of Emperium scheduled for that day. The Event Finale will feature the release of rare headgears, as well as the Raffle NPC. Game Masters (GM) will also hold various special in-game events. Winners of these events will win prizes! Since the Finale marks the end of the event, when the Event Finale begins, a bunch of stuff may be disabled which may include but not limited to the following:Event monsters inside will no longer drop items. Raid Bosses will be disabled Disable earning of Tokens and other event currencies/items from features. Other exact details will be unveiled once we reach this phase. Additionally, starting January 19, 2025, some or all event NPCs will be removed or slowly removed over time. ★ DONATION CREDIT ITEMS ★ We offer event items via the Donation Girl NPC for those who have limited time or are unable to farm as much as they'd like. Item ID, Item Name, Price:31845, Star Coin, 250 coins for each Credit 31879, Festival Ticket, 0.75 Credit 26645, Treasure Shovel, 2 Donation Credits 31849, Last Fantasy Key, 3 Donation Credits 31852, Bound 1000 LF PVE Crystal, 3 Donation Credits 31903, Bound 1000 Exp LF PVP Crystal, 3 Donation Credits 31848, 1000 Exp LF PVE Crystal, 5 Donation Credits 31853, 1000 Exp LF PVP Crystal, 5 Donation Credits 26658, 1x Treasure Map, 5 Donation Credits 31882, New Year Gift Box, 7 Donation Credits 23585, HoT Purchase Right, 50 Donation Credits 31846, Comp Last Fantasy Chronicle, 75 Donation Credits Various giftcodes might be posted from time to time in BraveRO's Discord Server, under the Giftcodes channel. You can use these giftcodes by talking to the Gift Code NPC in Caspen [caspen 179 188]. Codes may contain various items and goodies that may be usable during this event. Don't wait too long though since the codes have limited stocks, thus it's a first come, first served basis. You can also join Discord Raffle Events for a chance win various prizes. If you're still new, you can ask for help in the appropriate channel in the Discord Server. Admins, GMs, SPs, and other seasoned players may be able to assist you. If you haven't joined the BraveRO Discord Server yet, simply use this invite link: To any new player reading this: As you've noticed, the event is "separated" by Phases. If you're thinking that you can't avail or participate in certain stuff if you happen to start in Phase 2 or beyond, worry not! This only means that with each new Phase, additional features and items will be implemented. For example, if you see that the title of the thread is already at Phase 3, you can still do and participate on the events that are indicated in Phase 1 and 2, as long as there's still ample time to do them, or the conditions for participation are still applicable. This also applies to any and all future seasonal events, unless otherwise specified.

Awaits You!

Dive into BraveRO, a high-rate Ragnarok Online private server where balance meets thrill. Engage in our epic Heroic Storyline Quests, conquer challenging new instances, and dominate in exhilarating Battlegrounds. With a vast array of headgear, skin colors and cloth palettes to personalize your character, BraveRO caters to every playstyle - whether you are a PvP enthusiast or PvM aficionado. Let our unique features convice you to join us at BraveRO, your new home awaits! Read more...

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Join the BraveRO community where adventure and camaraderie await! Dive into our forum to share tips, strategies, and forge friendships with fellow adventurers. For real-time banter, updates, and a place to call your guild home, hop onto our Discord server. Be part of a thriving community of heroes where your voice matters and your presence is valued. Engage, discuss, and enhance your BraveRO experience. Connect with us today, your guildmates are waiting!


Castle Owners

War of Emperium

30 Day PvP Rankings

Rank Player Name Kills K/D Ratio
1 Vatorubeus 592 4.6614
2 Avarice. 368 26.2857
3 Chrysopoeia. 357 2.2739
4 Panchaii 353 2.9915
5 Traumerei. 339 9.6857
6 Hugh Jass. 299 3.5595
7 Okayn 282 4.7000
8 Power Kush 278 2.9892
9 xxSoiexx 272 1.5281
10 Laz 259 7.0000

Player Reviews