User:Sleep Faster Rem Vital Review 6

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Getting the right amount of sleep is very Sleep Faster Rem Vital important for staying young and healthy looking. Skincare specialists the world over will tell you that getting the right amount of sleep is one of the best things you can do for your complexion. Your skin renews itself and grows more while you sleep and without the right amount of sleep your skin can look tired and dry.

Sleep is very important, without it we would not survive and a lack of sleep puts the body under strain. Lack of sleep causes irregular production of hormones and without the right amount of these hormones appetite can increase and in particular a desire for carbohydrates.

Sleeping in the dark is important because the presence of light in the bedroom can have a number of adverse affects. Your pineal gland produces melatonin and if light is present the production of this important hormone is affected. Melatonin is important for several biological functions including the regulation of you circadian rhythm (a natural daily cycle based on 24 hour periods).