Aura Stylist

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There is a new way to show off your creativity and stand out from the rest of the players in BraveRO! The new Aura Stylist NPC will allow you to create your own aura using thousands of different combinations!

Aura Stylist NPC


Location 1: caspen 180 215
Location 2: bat_room 150 140

The aura concept is similar to the Lvl 99 aura you would get in official servers.. but at BraveRO you have the ability to fully customize your aura to match your style! The NPC works similar to how the Hair Style and Cloth color stylist works, except you style your aura instead.

Aura Parts

There are 3 parts that make up an Aura:

  • Base Design: as the name entails, this is the base design and shape of the aura. Located under your feet.  - *152 designs available.
  • Aura Effect: most of the time this is a light that rotates around your aura (base design). -  * 117 effects available
  • Floaters: these are spheres or other shaped effects that float around your character (coming off your base design) - * 35 effects avaiilable

You can pick and choose your favorite design/effect/floater to make up your perfect and unique aura.

Unlocking the Aura Stylist

How to unlock the Aura Stylist? - There are  currently two ways to unlock the Aura Stylist service.


You must have won 15 Battleground rounds in the last 24 hours in order to enable an aura. This is literally down to the minutes & seconds. Example: Right now its 11:15 PM for me, in order to unlock this service for free, i should have won 15+ battleground rounds between yesterday at 11:15 PM and NOW.

If the number of Battleground rounds won in the last 24 hours falls under 15x, the aura will be disabled until you win enough rounds again. As of right now, the aura will be disabled when you log in and you have won less than 15 rounds in the last 24 hours, or if you click the Stylist NPC with less than 15 wins in the 24 hour time period. (yes we know you can stay online without clicking the NPC and the aura will stay until you relog, take advantage while you can /gg)

After winning enough rounds, speak with the Aura Stylist to re-enable the aura.

The Aura Stylist NPC is unlocked at the character level (not account). Meaning, you must win 15 battleground rounds using the same character in order to unlock the service on that character.

Premium Stylist Service

You can unlock the Aura Stylist service NPC permanently by purchasing the Premium Stylist Service item via:

  • The Donation Girl NPC for 25x Donation Credits
  • The Donation Misc. Shop for 45x Donation Tokens
  • The BraveRO Market Miscellaneous Shop for 35 BraveRO Tokens.

When the service is purchased, you will receive a usable item that will unlock the NPC for the character that consumes the item. If you consume the item on the wrong character, we will not revert it or refund it so please be careful. You can unlock the aura service for an unlimited number of characters in an account, so long as you purchase the Premium Stylist Service for each one.

Additional Services provided by the NPC:

  • Save current aura (it will save your current combination of design, effect and floaters under a specific identifiable name. You can store up to 50.)
  • Change to Pre-Saved Aura (Allows you to instantly change to any of your previously saved auras)
  • View Saved Auras (Lists all your currently saved auras, including the base number, effect number and floater number.. in case you want to share your auras)
  • Delete Saved Aura (Will allow you to delete any of the auras you previously saved. You can save it again in the future if necessary)

Note: The auras obtained through this NPC do not replace the Hero/Elite Hero Auras or the Battleground/PvP Ranked Auras. Meaning, you can have both an Elite Aura and a Custom aura enabled at the same time and they will both show.

HaZe's Aura Example

Aura Designs

All 152 Base Designs

click to enlarge

All 117 Aura Effects

Click to enlarge

All 35 Floaters

Click to enlarge