@Command List

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What are @Commands?

These are commands that are used in-game to perform various types of actions, ranging from teleporting, getting monsters/item information or enabling the use of autoloot. You can type "@commands" in-game and you will receive a list of commands that are available to you. Below you will find a short definition of what these commands do.

List of Commands

Note: The most useful commands have been formatted with a bold font to differentiate them from the rest. These are commands most Dreamers use on a daily basis.

Command Definition
@rates Displays the server's Base, Job and Drop Rates.
@me Displays the text as a normal message with the format "*name <message>*" instead of "name: <message>".
@storage Opens your account Storage from any location.
@load Warps you to your Save Point.
@reject Used to reject a @duel invitation.
@changeleader Changes the leader of your party to another member.You must be the party leader to use this command.
@showexp Toggles the display of experience gain messages when you kill a monster.
@order A command used by Battleground leaders to give orders. (An announcement that all members of the BG team will see)
@mobsearch Used to check of a monster is currently alive in the map. Mostly used to check if MvPs are alive.
@mission Check your current monster hunting mission.
@mobinfo Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data). Can also use @mi for shorter version of this command.
@party Organizes a new party, with the attached character as leader.
@feelreset Resets a Star Gladiator's marked maps.
@idsearch Looks up an item by name (or part of a name).
@away Set up an automated away message that will be sent to anyone who sends you a private message.
@noks Toggles the Kill Steal Protection to prevent players from killing your monsters. Does not work on MvPs.
@changegm A command used to change the leader of a guild. It can only be used by the current guild leader.
@jailtime Used to check how long you must remain in jail before you are released. Usually applicable to players who break the rules.
@myinfo Displays your current Kafra Points, Cash Points and IP address.
@partyoption Changes party options for experience sharing and item sharing.
@memo Saves a warp point for the "Warp Portal" skill.
@achievements Displays a list of achievements and shows whether they have been completed.
@showdelay Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message.
@invite Invite a player to a duel after using @duel
@request A command used to ask questions to all online staff members and GMs. Use it whenever you need help!
@refresh Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
@leader Used to change the leader of Battleground teams.
@go Warps to predefined locations in major cities.

If no ID is given, all available maps will be displayed in the chat window.

@time To-Do
@accept To-Do
@guildstorage To-Do
@packetfilter To-Do
@autoloot To-Do
@autotrade To-Do
@iteminfo To-Do
@reportafk To-Do
@pvpmode To-Do
@skillid To-Do
@uptime To-Do
@whereis To-Do
@font To-Do
@exp To-Do
@help To-Do
@join To-Do
@security To-Do
@petrename To-Do
@rentstorage To-Do
@whodrops To-Do
@showzeny To-Do
@homstats To-Do
@showmobs To-Do
@noask To-Do
@warp To-Do
@whosell To-Do
@leave To-Do
@hominfo To-Do
@jump To-Do
@duel To-Do
@joinpvp To-Do
@ii2 To-Do
@t1~@t6 To-Do
@dance To-Do
@tag To-Do
@tagoff To-Do
@dcall To-Do
@joinbg To-Do
@leavebg To-Do
@itemdesc To-Do
@combat To-Do
@newbie To-Do
@rules To-Do
@bling To-Do
@bton To-Do
@btoff To-Do
@achievementlist To-Do
@achievementcheck To-Do