Clash Of Division

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Clash of Division

COD is the arena where Elite Division members can join, its only held every 12 hours 7:00 18:00 and 20:00 (server time/use @time to check the server time) it can be random because there's two Division Events the other one is Save the Princess event.

To join Clash of Division just @warp hero_camp 194 187 or simply just @go COD

Clash of Division NPC

3rd job skills enabled, so there's a lot of clashes. In this event, you can be parties with other division members

 Example: You're in Alpha Division, you can be parties with Delta/Beta/Zeta and its random. 

Main objectives are:

  • Kill other division members pick up their skulls (skulls have color coding, Blue for Alpha, Green for Beta, Red for Delta, and Yellow(default skull color) for Zeta)
  • Each skull is equivalent to 1 Division Point and 50 Division Exp.
  • Pick up their skulls and sacrifice it to Sacrifice Totem located at the middle of the map to earn points for your division
 You can't sacrifice your own Division Skulls (Example you're in Alpha Division and you picked up skull from another Alpha member, you cant sacrifice it to the sacrifice totem)
Sacrifice totem located in the middle of the map.
In your mini map the red dot is where the totem is located

At the end of COD there will be an Announcement and they will announce who will be the Division Winner for the next 12 hours, until there's another Division Event. The winning division can receive level 10 Blessing and Increase Agi from Healer NPC every time they click her, And if you sacrificed enough skulls to the totem you will be eligible to to claim the event salary.

You can get both Honorable and Elite Weapon kills in COD

 Ygg Berries enabled. 
 Assumptio Enabled.