Tile Bug

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Revision as of 15:37, 3 October 2020 by HaZe (talk | contribs)
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  • Do you ever click on a cell and feel like your character walks somewhere else ?
  • Have you ever been in the middle of a fight and your character randomly starts moving somewhere else?
  • Is it hard to walk when there is a lot of traps in the area?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then you've probably have experienced tile bug.

What causes tile bug?
At DreamerRO we have a customized client that allows you to zoom out more than 500% the default zoom of official clients. The majority of the tile bug is the result of the user having the zoom too far out, and the client having a hard time pin pointing exactly where you clicked.

How to reduce tile bugs?
Whenever you are in a map that you are experiencing a lot of tile bug, it is probably best to zoom in as close as possible. The more you zoom in, the less chance there will be for a tile bug to occur.

How much should you zoom in?
It's hard to tell, and we honestly just recommend that you test and try yourself until you find that sweet spot. Zoom in little by little until you notice an improvement in your tile bug. To give you an idea how much you should zoom in, you can look at the screenshot below, which shows the maximum zoom supported by official clients.
