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(Making the Weapons)
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* Goddess Tear
* Goddess Tear
* The completion of the four pre-requisite quests
* The completion of the four pre-requisite quests
(Palk's) Guide for each Quest!
Since everyone has been asking for a guide, here are some quick ones. Screenshots will come later.
Eitri is found on Thanatos Tower, floor 6. You have to walk up from floor 5 to get to him. He's on the upper left side of the first area you find yourself in.
Before he gives you your first weapon, he wants you to help one of his acquaintances out. You can choose any of the six things to do below:
Luminary Fragments Quest
Dawn Essence
1. Make sure you've completed The Sign and Kiel Hyre before continuing.
2. Have 10 Emblem of the Sun God and 300 Crystal Fragments on hand.
Note: If you failed The Sign, you need 15 Emblem of the Sun God, 600 Crystal Fragments, and 1 Billion Zeny to proceed.
3. You're done!
Cold Moonlight
1. Make sure you have 700 Elite Hero Kills. This might take a while, so it might be better to save this until you've made your first weapon.
2. Have 15 of each: Fragment of Agony, Fragment of Sorrow, Fragment of Hatred, Fragment of Despair, and 40 Skeletal Armor Piece.
3. The warlock will then ask you several questions. You'll be prompted to input certain words, so enter the following in order:
4. You'll get the Cold Moonlight. Congrats.
Hazy Starlight
1. Make sure the Arunafeltz and Schwartzvald quest arcs are completed.
2. Have 100 Loki's Whispers and 300 Dark Crystal Fragments on hand.
3. Profit.
Dusk Glow
1. Have a Dawn Essence, Cold Moonlight, and Hazy Starlight in your inventory. They do not have to be from the quests.
2. Have Lucifer's Lament in your inventory.
3. Gather 300 Crystal Fragments and 200 Fragments of Darkness.
4. Finished!
Hero's Remains Quest
Note: Kiel Hyre Quest or the Schwartzvald Quest Arc must be completed before Lost Valkyrie will speak to you.
1. Speak to Lost Valkyrie (ra_san01 139 270). Agree to help her out, and she'll tell you to look for a dwarf named Brokkr, who is studying some ancient ruins in a cave somewhere.
2. Speak to the Son of Ivaldi, Brokkr (jupe_cave 151 51). He's deeply engrossed in his work, so you'll have to talk to him quite a few times until you get his attention.
3. After you manage to get his attention, he'll tell you to look for a piece of metal he left in his room in his home. He quite literally tells you he lives in a cave.
4. Go to cave 130 50 and make your way through the passage to the right. Click on the chair to get a Brynhildr Armor Piece.
5. Go back to Valkyrie, who will then tell you to go find a swordswoman named Sieglinde.
6. Sieglinde is located in prt_fild01. She moves around, so you need to look for her, although she prefers the left half of the map most of the time. Once you talk to her, she'll start smacking you around, so make sure you have enough HP to spare.
7. She'll ask you for a proof of your word. Type in "Brynhildr Armor Piece" in the input prompt. She'll then give you Andvari's Ring.
(Note: If you input the name wrong, you'll be warped to a random spot on the field. Be careful.)
8. Back to Valkyrie again, and she confirms your suspicions of who you're trying to hunt. Before you can draw the spirit back, however, she needs 200 Valhalla Flowers as an offering.
9. Once you've given the flowers, talk to Valkyrie again and she'll warp you to the map of the seal. You have ten minutes to complete this part of the quest before you're automatically warped out.
10. Walk down the long path, making sure to get both message prompts that pop up. Once you reach the end of the path, you're given a choice to proceed or warp out.
11. Once you proceed, you must fight Spirit of Brynhildr.
(Note: Only one person can be on the map at a time, and if it won't let you proceed, either someone is on the map or you're missing the items you got earlier.)
12. After defeating her, talk to the Valkyrie, and then talk to her again in the Sanctuary. She'll give you the Hero's Remains as thanks.
Goddess Tear Quest
Note: To start this quest, you must either have The Sign in your inventory (the equippible one) or have finished Peace in Arunafeltz.
1. Speak with the Wayfarer in Prontera Church (prt_church 96 116). After a round of introductions, speak to her again to learn her plight.
2. Depending on the criteria you've accomplished, choose either the first or second option to continue. She'll then tell you a tale about Freya's Tear, and then ask you to go see her brother Sindaj on the outskirts of Veins.
3. Find Sindaj outside of the town (ve_fild06 84 237) and talk to him. He'll tell you about the various pieces of valuable jewels he's found regarding Freya's Tear, and tells you the best place to look is outside Thor Volcano.
4. Go to ve_fild03. There are numerous spots to start mining in, and Sindaj says that you have to work from the outside in. With that in mind, head over to the area in the northwest, around 33 155.
At this point, walk around near the corner until you see a progress bar appear over your head. You have to stand still during the whole duration for the next part to proceed. If you successfully mined something, you'll see more text come up, but you'll see the Refine Fail animation if you don't. Just keep trying.
Eventually, you'll get the text and be prompted to move to the next spot.
Head to these spots in the following order:
-252 175
-118 206
-315 260
-143 238
Once you receive the prompt for the last stone, you'll be warped back to Sindaj.
5. After berating you on your carelessness, Sindaj will examine the stone you found. Talk to him repeatedly until he tells you more, and then he'll want you to gather more minerals and stones to perfect the one you found.
Bring him the following items:
25 Biotite
25 Muscovite
25 Pholgopite
25 Pyroxene
25 Citrin
30 Rose Quartz
30 Peridot
30 Turquoise
30 Agate
He'll then polish the stone up for you and tell you to give it back to Elias.
6. Go back to Elias. She thanks you for your effort and gives you the stone you worked hard to find, the Goddess Tear.
Second Weapon:
To get your second weapon, you need all six of the above items, and you need to have completed the four prerequisite quests (The Sign, Kiel Hyre, Peace in Arunafeltz, and Rebellion) to get it. It doesn't matter how you get the items, however.
== Elite Weapon EXP==
== Elite Weapon EXP==

Revision as of 23:44, 14 November 2019

Making the Weapons

Eitri @warp tha_t05 185 235 then @jump 161 51

After confirming that you are an Elite Hero, Eitri will tell you that he's working on your weapon. However, he wants you to help out one of his three acquaintances before he's done. Since he's making the weapon for you for free, it's probably the least you can do.

The three quests are based mostly on bravery and the theme of heroism, which reflects the prerequisite quests. The quests are as follows:

Luminary Fragments Quest

Warlock of the Sun NPC @warp gonryun 36 15
Elite Stone Requisites Items needed
Dawn essence.jpeg Dawn Essence Complete The Sign and Kiel Hyre Emblem of the sun god.jpeg 10 Emblem of the Sun God

Crystal fragment.jpeg 300 Crystal Fragment

Cold moonlight.jpeg Cold Moonlight Get 700 Elite Hero Kills Fragment hatred.jpeg 15 Fragment of Hatred

Fragment despair.jpeg 15 Fragment of Despair

Fragment misery.jpeg 15 Fragment of Sorrow

Fragment agony.jpeg 15 Fragment of Agony

Skeletal armor piece.jpeg 40 Skeletal Armor Piece

Hazy starlight.jpeg Hazy Starlight Complete the Arunafeltz and Schwartzvald Quest Arc Loki's whisper.jpeg 100 Loki's Whispers

Dark crystal fragment.jpeg 300 Dark Crystal Fragment

Dusk glow.jpeg Dusk Glow Have the above three stones + Lucifer's lament.jpeg Lucifer's Lament (The Sign quest) Crystal fragment.jpeg 300 Crystal Fragment

Fragment of darkness.jpeg 200 Fragment of Darkness

Note 1: For Dawn Essence, if you failed The Sign Quest, you need 15 Emblem of the Sun God, 600 Crystal Fragment and 1bil zenny to proceed.

Note 2: For Dusk Glow, only the fragments are consumed, nothing else. You will still have the Dawn/Cold/Hazy stones.)

Hero's Remains Quest

Follow a simple step by step guide for Hero's Remains Quest

Lost Valkyrie NPC @warp ra_san01 137 271
Elite Stone Requisites Items needed
Hero's remain.jpeg Hero's Remains Complete either Kiel Hyre or Schwartzvald Quest Arc Valhalla's flower.jpeg 200 Valhalla Flower

Goddess Tear Quest

Follow a simple step by step guide for Goddess Tear Quest

Wayfarer NPC @warp prt_church 94 115
Elite Stone Requisites Items needed
Goddess tear.jpeg Goddess Tear Complete either The Sign or Arunafeltz Quest Arc 25 Biotite.jpeg Biotite

25 Muscovite.jpeg Muscovite

25 Pyroxene.jpeg Pyroxene

25 Citrin.jpeg Citrin

30 Rose quartz.jpeg Rose Quartz

30 Peridot.jpeg Peridot

30 Turquoise.jpeg Turquoise

30 Agate.jpeg Agate

Now, for your first weapon, you only have to do ONE of the six things above; that's it. Once you do that, return to Eitri and he will give you the choice of which weapon from your class you want.


The Sign:

  • A problem I've been seeing is that people aren't paying attention to the dialog in certain routes, more importantly path 6B if you're following the iRO wiki guide, which causes them to fail the rest of the quest.
  1. Failing the quest would mean you won't receive Lucifer's Lament at the end of the quest.
  2. Failing the quest would mean the NPC at Gonryun 36 15 will mark the Sign Quest as INCOMPLETE since you DID NOT receive Lucifer's Lament at the end of the quest, meaning you won't be able to do the quests for Dusk Glow. Only Dawn Essence provides a more expensive alternative to obtain it.
  3. Failing the quest would mean Eitri will still mark the Sign Quest as Complete, HOWEVER, Dusk Glow may have to be bought from other players or gained via PYL.
  • The times have been modified so they are far more accessible to everyone. More importantly, the wait times near the end of the quest have been changed so you don't have to go back during a specific hour. Simply wait the amount of time and then go pick up the Sign.

Schwartzvald Quest Arc:

  • The Cursed Spirit quest seems to be giving people trouble with how certain steps don't seem to happen. Due to the way it's scripted, it's very picky about which variables go where, so you need to make sure to follow the iRO wiki guide exactly. If you can't get step 11 to happen, go back to step 7 and do everything again, making sure you don't hit the same "curse" points twice. You'll eventually be able to proceed.
  • What most people seem to miss is at step 7, after you get cursed, continue walking forward. You'll see a representative there and you must speak with her first. Most people tend to warp to the next coord automatically.

For your second weapon, Eitri will request the following:

  • Dawn Essence
  • Cold Moonlight
  • Hazy Starlight
  • Dusk Glow
  • Hero's Remains
  • Goddess Tear
  • The completion of the four pre-requisite quests

(Palk's) Guide for each Quest!

Since everyone has been asking for a guide, here are some quick ones. Screenshots will come later.


Eitri: Eitri is found on Thanatos Tower, floor 6. You have to walk up from floor 5 to get to him. He's on the upper left side of the first area you find yourself in.

Before he gives you your first weapon, he wants you to help one of his acquaintances out. You can choose any of the six things to do below:


Luminary Fragments Quest

Dawn Essence

1. Make sure you've completed The Sign and Kiel Hyre before continuing.

2. Have 10 Emblem of the Sun God and 300 Crystal Fragments on hand.

Note: If you failed The Sign, you need 15 Emblem of the Sun God, 600 Crystal Fragments, and 1 Billion Zeny to proceed.

3. You're done!

Cold Moonlight

1. Make sure you have 700 Elite Hero Kills. This might take a while, so it might be better to save this until you've made your first weapon.

2. Have 15 of each: Fragment of Agony, Fragment of Sorrow, Fragment of Hatred, Fragment of Despair, and 40 Skeletal Armor Piece.

3. The warlock will then ask you several questions. You'll be prompted to input certain words, so enter the following in order:







4. You'll get the Cold Moonlight. Congrats.

Hazy Starlight

1. Make sure the Arunafeltz and Schwartzvald quest arcs are completed.

2. Have 100 Loki's Whispers and 300 Dark Crystal Fragments on hand.

3. Profit.

Dusk Glow

1. Have a Dawn Essence, Cold Moonlight, and Hazy Starlight in your inventory. They do not have to be from the quests.

2. Have Lucifer's Lament in your inventory.

3. Gather 300 Crystal Fragments and 200 Fragments of Darkness.

4. Finished!


Hero's Remains Quest

Note: Kiel Hyre Quest or the Schwartzvald Quest Arc must be completed before Lost Valkyrie will speak to you.

1. Speak to Lost Valkyrie (ra_san01 139 270). Agree to help her out, and she'll tell you to look for a dwarf named Brokkr, who is studying some ancient ruins in a cave somewhere.

2. Speak to the Son of Ivaldi, Brokkr (jupe_cave 151 51). He's deeply engrossed in his work, so you'll have to talk to him quite a few times until you get his attention.

3. After you manage to get his attention, he'll tell you to look for a piece of metal he left in his room in his home. He quite literally tells you he lives in a cave.

4. Go to cave 130 50 and make your way through the passage to the right. Click on the chair to get a Brynhildr Armor Piece.

5. Go back to Valkyrie, who will then tell you to go find a swordswoman named Sieglinde.

6. Sieglinde is located in prt_fild01. She moves around, so you need to look for her, although she prefers the left half of the map most of the time. Once you talk to her, she'll start smacking you around, so make sure you have enough HP to spare.

7. She'll ask you for a proof of your word. Type in "Brynhildr Armor Piece" in the input prompt. She'll then give you Andvari's Ring.

(Note: If you input the name wrong, you'll be warped to a random spot on the field. Be careful.)

8. Back to Valkyrie again, and she confirms your suspicions of who you're trying to hunt. Before you can draw the spirit back, however, she needs 200 Valhalla Flowers as an offering.

9. Once you've given the flowers, talk to Valkyrie again and she'll warp you to the map of the seal. You have ten minutes to complete this part of the quest before you're automatically warped out.

10. Walk down the long path, making sure to get both message prompts that pop up. Once you reach the end of the path, you're given a choice to proceed or warp out.

11. Once you proceed, you must fight Spirit of Brynhildr.

(Note: Only one person can be on the map at a time, and if it won't let you proceed, either someone is on the map or you're missing the items you got earlier.)

12. After defeating her, talk to the Valkyrie, and then talk to her again in the Sanctuary. She'll give you the Hero's Remains as thanks.


Goddess Tear Quest

Note: To start this quest, you must either have The Sign in your inventory (the equippible one) or have finished Peace in Arunafeltz.

1. Speak with the Wayfarer in Prontera Church (prt_church 96 116). After a round of introductions, speak to her again to learn her plight.

2. Depending on the criteria you've accomplished, choose either the first or second option to continue. She'll then tell you a tale about Freya's Tear, and then ask you to go see her brother Sindaj on the outskirts of Veins.

3. Find Sindaj outside of the town (ve_fild06 84 237) and talk to him. He'll tell you about the various pieces of valuable jewels he's found regarding Freya's Tear, and tells you the best place to look is outside Thor Volcano.

4. Go to ve_fild03. There are numerous spots to start mining in, and Sindaj says that you have to work from the outside in. With that in mind, head over to the area in the northwest, around 33 155.

At this point, walk around near the corner until you see a progress bar appear over your head. You have to stand still during the whole duration for the next part to proceed. If you successfully mined something, you'll see more text come up, but you'll see the Refine Fail animation if you don't. Just keep trying.

Eventually, you'll get the text and be prompted to move to the next spot.

Head to these spots in the following order:

-252 175 -118 206 -315 260 -143 238

Once you receive the prompt for the last stone, you'll be warped back to Sindaj.

5. After berating you on your carelessness, Sindaj will examine the stone you found. Talk to him repeatedly until he tells you more, and then he'll want you to gather more minerals and stones to perfect the one you found.

Bring him the following items:

25 Biotite

25 Muscovite

25 Pholgopite

25 Pyroxene

25 Citrin

30 Rose Quartz

30 Peridot

30 Turquoise

30 Agate

He'll then polish the stone up for you and tell you to give it back to Elias.

6. Go back to Elias. She thanks you for your effort and gives you the stone you worked hard to find, the Goddess Tear.


Second Weapon: To get your second weapon, you need all six of the above items, and you need to have completed the four prerequisite quests (The Sign, Kiel Hyre, Peace in Arunafeltz, and Rebellion) to get it. It doesn't matter how you get the items, however.

Elite Weapon EXP

  • Elite Hero Weapon Level 1 = from 1 to 1999 kills
  • Elite Hero Weapon Level 2 = from 2000 to 3999 kills
  • Elite Hero Weapon Level 3 = from 4000 to 11999 kills
  • Elite Hero Weapon Level 4 = 12000 kills or higher and be a division Major

Pre-requisites Quests

Warrior's Spirit

Warrior Spirit NPC @warp tha_t06 90 181

The Elite Hero Spirit resides in the same map as Eitri, in the upper left area of the map.

After you get your second weapon from Eitri, if you decide you don't like one of them, the Elite Hero Spirit will offer to transmute one of your weapons into the other one Eitri offered. However, he will only do this ONCE for you, so be careful!