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RilianeSummer Battleground Battlepass Event
Where do people say that you need to receive drop rewards from BG once finished, if you make 3 mins in game, sounds not believiable, cuz i dont see anywhere about that here on forum
Released Battlepass coin shop at caspen 174 211
Made Sea Kingdom set tradeable.
Fix helios divine set effect
Added 2 new battleground garments, these garments can be purchased in battleground for a high cost later.
The new garments can be upgraded through the garment master in battleground lobby.
(07-31-2023, 05:54 AM)Riliane Wrote: Released Battlepass coin shop at caspen 174 211
Made Sea Kingdom set tradeable.
Added 2 new battleground garments, these garments can be purchased in battleground for a high cost later.
The new garments can be upgraded through the garment master in battleground lobby.

can we add credits to summer coin option too?

I think the empty shadow for the garment isnt working. I tried auto attacking/using skill for more than 2 minutes, but never proc.
Extended Battlepass reward to level 250.

Players will only receive 50 summer battlepass coins on each level starting 201.
Lets say you didn't join the event early enough or didn't max out the battle pass, is there an opportunity to save summer coins to max out the pass next year?
Battlepass rewards are exclusive on their event date. Crystals, coins and etc cannot be used in next one if ever.
[+] 1 user Likes Riliane's post
This event ends today.

However I'll leave the npc for a while. You can still open your book but you can no longer gain materials to level it up through battleground.

I hope you guys enjoy the 2 months event and hopefully you guys enjoy the next one as well.
can you put the rare cape from bg battlepass hg BAG to be available via credits? like seasonal rare
(08-16-2023, 02:31 PM)baduad Wrote: can you put the rare cape from bg battlepass hg BAG to be available via credits? like seasonal rare
Agree with this please!
(08-16-2023, 02:31 PM)baduad Wrote: can you put the rare cape from bg battlepass hg BAG to be available via credits? like seasonal rare

up for this please!

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