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carlohappyfresh install, crash when going to caspen
Dear Carlohappy and Ms. Claire,

I apologize for adding my input here, but wonder if perhaps this is the same issue I am having also and may be able to possibly provide additional insight. Carlohappy by chance when you warp or try to go anywhere else do you get the loading wait screen and it gets stalled at 100% and doesn't take you any further? If so, then it is the same thing that is happening to me. I have already redone my entire download and repatched every time to ensure I am up to date as well. I have gone back in and found each of the applications in the main folder only and changed them on the customization screen to all "run as administrator" and to play as compatible for "windows 8" and now it does not happen on every screen, but mainly when I try to go back to caspen. Other than that it seems to be hit or miss dependent upon the wait screen I receive. I am going to try to put it back to compatibility with "windows vista" and or an earlier one to see if perhaps this may fix the problem. I hope this may be the same issue and perhaps if it is maybe this will fix it. I only posted due to the fact that maybe this will help and well... from what I have always seen here in the forums and on the game we are always similar to a family oriented help system here and everyone loved to help everyone else if there were issues. Hopefully this helps and if its a similar issue then ill post the results of my attempt to try an earlier version to help.



Messages In This Thread
RE: fresh install, crash when going to caspen - by sammy12021981 - 03-05-2025, 05:38 PM

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