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HaZeBanner Creation Contest
Greetings BraveRO Adventurers!
We'd like to announce our official banner creation contest! Showcase your creativity and design skills by submitting an advertising banner for BraveRO. Winning entries (1~5) will be used in promotions seen by thousands worldwide, and the top designers will a handsome reward!

Contest Details
  1. Dimensions468px (width) x 90px (height)
  2. Format: GIF (Animated banners are a huge plus!)
  3. Content: Highlight any features or aspects of BraveRO that you believe will attract new players—feel free to incorporate any of the server highlights we’ve listed below.
  4. Submission:
    • Post your entry this forums thread. You are welcome to upload to any image share site and post the link here.
  5. DeadlineJanuary 25, 2025. Make sure to submit your banner on this topic by this date!

[*]Custom Features:
  • Proprietary Storyline Quest
  • Mining, Fishing & Forging System
  • Thousands of custom headgears
  • Custom & Official Instances
  • Battleground Ranking System
  • Intense WoE
  • Division Events
  • 2nd and 3rd Job PvP
  • Custom Pets
  • Automated Events
[*]International Proxies available for smooth gameplay anywhere in the world.

We’re proud of our balanced gameplay, custom systems, and community-driven environment. Now, we want your help in showing BraveRO to the world in style!

  • Top Banners: A $100 USD Donation Credit Package
Note: By submitting your banner, you agree that BraveRO may use or display it for promotional purposes on our websites, forums, and social media pages.
Note2: You can submit an unlimited amount of banners.

Tips & Suggestions
  • Highlight the high rate aspect and easy progression that let players jump straight into the competitive scene.
  • Emphasize our custom features: from storyline quests to forging, from fishing to mining—there’s plenty that sets us apart!
  • Mention PvP/WoE events and how balanced skills & formulas bring unique enjoyment.
  • Be creative! Use eye-catching text, fonts, and vibrant images to represent BraveRO’s spirit.

Ready, Set, Create!
We’re excited to see what this amazing community can do. Good luck, and may the best banners win!
— The BraveRO Team
[+] 1 user Likes HaZe's post
here's my simple and humble submission lmao

[Image: 61B0NJ2]
[+] 2 users Like Latte's post
Hi! This is one of my banner entry designs. a bit of a cinematic touch and ensured the text is large and clear.
[+] 1 user Likes mendelsonananana's post
Here’s another one.
[+] 1 user Likes mendelsonananana's post
another one.
[+] 1 user Likes mendelsonananana's post
Entry #4
[+] 1 user Likes mendelsonananana's post
entry #5
[+] 1 user Likes mendelsonananana's post
entry #6
entry #7
my entry #8! LOL. All the image material here was created using AI (Midjourney AI), and I tried my best to make it resemble a character from game. i use adobe premiere to animate. and photoshop for retouching. i really like to create a cinematic look rather than a basic banner. It's like the movie trailer vibe exciting, dramatic, and suspense LOL.

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