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RilianeElite Hero Quest Guide
Elite Hero Quest Guide

Qualification to be an Elite Hero

* Must have 97.7m+ Exp or higher
* Must be Rank B or higher

Where to Go?

1. Sign-Up to Sigmund [ayo_in02 100 165], he will then tell you if you are eligible or not
2. Talk to Lord Montagu [ayo_in02 103 167], he will then tell you to look for Sir Lancelot du Lac
3. Warp to Sir Lancelot du Lac [caspen 111 262], he will then tell you the requirements
4. After completing the Items, go back again to Sir Lancelot du Lac [caspen 111 262], he will then count your items and then he will recommend      you to Lord Montagu [ayo_in02 103 167].
5. After giving the recommendation letter to Lord Montagu, he will then tell you to find Sir Lionel outside of caspen dun/indent]

Requirements to be an Elite Hero
[ Quantity Item Name - Dropped by Monsters (Map) [item ID] ]

25 Biotite - Dropped by Mysteltainn (alde_dun04,gefenia01-04,gl_cast02,gl_knt02) [item ID# 7297]

20 Muscovite - Dropped by Tirfing/Ogretooth (alde_dun04,gefenia01-04,gl_cas01,gl_cas02) [item ID# 7292]

20 Phlogopite - Dropped by Executioner (alde_dun04,c_tower4,gefenia01-04) [item ID# 7290]

20 Citrin - Dropped by Chimera (gl_cast02) [item ID# 7295]

15 Rose Quartz - Dropped by Zherlthsh/Zealotus (gl_prison1) [item ID# 7293]

15 Turquoise - Dropped by Arch Angeling (yuno_fild05) [item ID# 7294]

15 Pyroxene - Dropped by Mutant Dragonoid (cmd_fild03,hu_fild05) [item ID# 7296]

250 Poring Cards - Dropped by Poring (prt_fild08) [item ID# 4001]

200 Baphomet Dolls - Dropped by Baphomet (prt_maze03, MVP Arena) [item ID# 750]

Strength Control Test

1. Talk to Lord Montagu [ayo_in02 103 167], he will then tell you to look for Sir Lionel
2. Warp to Sir Lionel [caspen 260 270], he will then tell you that you will need to past the Strength Control test.

The Test:
You need to kill 25 Evil Spirits in 5 minutes and 30 seconds, without dying. But there are fake spirits that LOOK the same, but their names are spelled different. If you kill a fake one, you have to restart the test over again. The map will look like the Bossnia map.

Real Spirit name.
[Image: realspirits.jpg]

Fake Spirit names.
[Image: fakespirits.jpg]

have fun XD

Created by xfoolish

After finishing the Strength Control Quest, you will then need to kill 3,000 Caspen Dungeon Monsters.

Credits to OG-System for the guide.
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