
Registration Date: 05-16-2022
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Local Time: 10-15-2024 at 02:27 PM
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Joined: 05-16-2022
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advancedjack's Most Liked Post
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RE: [Raid] Guild Instance and Automated Guild Dungeon Raid 02-08-2023, 04:12 PM 1
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[Raid] Guild Instance and Automated Guild Dungeon Raid BraveRO
<img src=""> Announcements
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Just want to propose some additional/changes for the Guild Raid features:

1. Is it possible to add new set of MVP's in Guild Raid like (Schulang, Fallen Valkyrie, Miguel, Timeholder, Brinaranea, Dead Witch)?

2. Can you please check/balance the damage of Betelgeuse. We are almost doing Guild Raid everyday and try different equips just to resist Betelgeuse but still this is the only MVP that we can't kill in time that we choose to ignore it if it is spawn. If you resist both the neutral and fire there is another element that i am not sure what it is, that he can 1 or 2 hits even the Sura with Steel Body. Betelegeuse in Guild Raid seems overpowered compared in Guild Instance.

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