User:Memory Plus Program Review Tab1

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High level of saturated fatty food and transfat food stuff, such as Memory Plus Program French fries etc are responsible for causing cholesterol to build up in the blood stream. This will clot up arteries and make it difficult to transport oxygen to brain cells. When brain cells die due to the above mentioned reason, we have Alzheimer's disease. Hence, reduce the food intake with regard to saturated fat and transfat.

It is said that little bit of alcohol, helps in improving circulation of blood. However, if you start drinking alcohol in access, it can cause cognition, brain disorders and brain chemistry and thereby increase the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease. Instead of risking yourself towards being drunkard, it is better to avoid alcohol. As the age increases, there are more chances of damaging our brain cells due to inflammation and oxidation. It is better to give importance to low calories diet compared to normal diet. This method of eating will help our body to function better.

You must take antioxidants such as vitamin E. Anti-oxidants help in fighting free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are created as the food that we consume gets processed into energy and these free radicals can damage our cells and our DNA. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of anti-oxidants. Even tea, especially green tea is a good source of anti-oxidants.