User:Ketogenasis Review 6

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Overweight children and teens face not Ketogenasis only medical but also psychological problems as consequences of their weight gain. Whether they are bullied, teased or ridiculed they experience various degrees of social marginalization leading to low self-esteem. Broadly defined, self-esteem refers to the extent to which one values oneself as a person.

Self esteem is critical in the development of children and teen's social adjustment, self confidence and goal directions. High self esteem results in cheerfulness, feeling of optimism and high energy. Low self esteem is accompanied by feelings of self doubt, low energy and weak motivation. Overweight children experience low self-esteem not only regarding their physical appearance but in their social, academic, athletic parts of their character some of which is due to peer and parent acceptance.

Academic low self esteem: Overweight girls might believe the stereotype, often portrayed in children's programs that fat is synonymous with stupid, lazy and lack of will power. Obese youth are described by parents and teachers as more socially withdrawn and by peers as displaying less leadership. Reports from the University of Texas where obese adolescents were followed for years revealed more high school absences and 1/3 less college applications in overweight as compared to normal weight girls.