Arunafeltz Quest Arc

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  1. When doing the four pre-requisite quests, do follow the guides closely and avoid diverting from what is indicated. This is to minimize the chances of any bugs and errors from happening.
  2. Some NPCs may need to be talked to MORE THAN ONCE. They may have different dialogues each time. You won't be able to trigger the next part of the quest without exhausting an NPCs responses.
  3. Sometimes, some NPCs will not trigger their supposed dialogue. These four quests were originally made without the intent of players just warping directly to the quest NPCs. In this case, you may need to walk around the area of the NPC, or enter the designated portal that leads into the room where the NPC is located. After that, try talking again to the NPC.

Here are the list of Arunafeltz Quest Arc in order;

Arunafeltz Republic Quest Arc
1. Lost Child
2. Rachel Sanctuary
3. Veins Siblings
4. Thor Volcano Base
5. Peace for Arunafeltz