
Registration Date: 05-20-2022
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Local Time: 10-15-2024 at 01:29 PM
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RE: dont play with same IP but different devices, even though 2 people are playing 09-29-2022, 02:31 PM 1
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dont play with same IP but different devices, even though 2 people are playing Entertainment
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(09-29-2022, 02:17 PM)aaaaa Wrote: lol, believe in what u think is right. as i and many others have said, your evidence is not good enough because it is based on IP, dice incident that shouldn’t even be a part of this case. i said a million times that i was communicating with arhi the entire day that time. is it my fault you guys didnt assess before banning by asking to talk or do a specific action? remove my gepard ban rn, i can even talk to you guys alongside my brother ingame while moving/pvp at the same time to prove u. that is not enough evidence for u? then what is? LOL.

reeding this dumpster was entertaining. thank u. coming from another neutral perspective, urr the idiot here who confuses ip address with  what xilera is presenting, the device itself. u are using ur accounts a lot in your owned devices or computers.. the devices hav their own id, and u fail to understand that.. u play wit those accounts a lot so its only natural to assume that u own them.

keep on pushing ur ip address argument. u look smarter by the minute.

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