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Registration Date: 05-15-2022
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Local Time: 11-12-2024 at 01:53 PM
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Elvira's Forum Info
Joined: 05-15-2022
Last Visit: 09-17-2023, 11:12 AM
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Elvira's Most Liked Post
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RE: Hero Specialty Skills 05-23-2023, 03:10 PM 3
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Hero Specialty Skills BraveRO
<img src="https://brave-ro.com/forum/images/icons/megaphone.gif"> Announcements
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implement it in HA and woe and i assure you will see at least 10 people to do the hss skill quests, provided they are of any use in pk. atm, im afraid none of it appeals to any of us a group since none of it involves player killing barring bg

let me suggest a few things which can perhaps make it more appealing to the existing player base who wants to pvp;

• HA/WoE - a chance to get a random HSS scroll when killing a player - same with dro token back then
• HA/WoE  - gain fury charges after killing an x amount of players.
• HA/WoE  - add player kill quest
• WoE - gain fury charges/random hss scroll after successfully breaking an emp.
• WoE - gain fury charges after holding the castle for x minutes.
• WoE - gain fury charges for winning castle.

these are just ideas but yh i hope you get the gist

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