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Registration Date: 05-10-2022
Date of Birth: December 29
Local Time: 12-05-2024 at 02:39 AM
Status: Offline

Tyrannical's Forum Info
Joined: 05-10-2022
Last Visit: 09-30-2024, 04:43 AM
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Additional Info About Tyrannical
Location: Philippines
Favorite Class: Royal Guard
Bio: Cautious
Gender: Male

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RE: [2022] Halloween Costume Party! 10-15-2022, 08:47 AM 7
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[2022] Halloween Costume Party! BraveRO » <img src="https://brave-ro.com/forum/images/icons/megaphone.gif"> Announcements
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Forum Name: Tyrannical
In-game Name: Retaliate-

[Image: https://s4.gifyu.com/images/13f43f72e6627cfd2.gif]

Tyrannical was once an ardent servant of the Gods. Got tricked and was killed in battle.
Regrets. Hatred. Revenge. Her restless soul seeks vengeance. - until a devil appeared & granted her wish.
On her reawakening, her White Angelic Wing transformed to a giant demonic wing.
Her old blue-white dress turned to black and white.
Her Golden Hair turned to pitch black
Emitting now with both Dark and Light aura.
She is now known as Retaliate - The Fallen Valkyrie of the Old Realm.

"And I shall seek for my eternal retribution"

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