Sign Quest

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Part 1: Crumbs of Sobbing Starlight

1. Read the Announcement on a notice board in one of the cities. All the announcements are the same, so it is only necessary to read one.

  • Alberta: (35 241)
  • Morroc: (168 265)
  • Payon: (160 183)
  • Prontera: (147 305)
  • Geffen: (168 175)
  • Al De Baran: (54 223)

2. Enter a Prontera building (263/275) and talk to the Archeologist Metz (prt_in 227, 45) about the announcement. Speak to him again and agree to help him. He mentions Arian, who first tests you for your competency.


3. Go inside a Morroc building (283/173) and talk to the rogue Arian (morocc_in 115, 154) for the first test. He desires the following sets of items (bring only the set he asks for each time and NO other sets, i.e. not 100 Fluff and 50 Poison Spore at the same time. Otherwise, he will take all the quest items and you'll need to recollect):

Rogue NPC
  • 100 Fluff
  • 7033.png 50 Poison Spore
  • 904.png 30 Scorpion Tail
  • 930.png 20 Rotten Bandage
  • 1038.png 15 Little Evil Horn
  • 7013.png 10 Coral Reef
  • Tip: Bring everything and drop it on the ground to avoid 600 trips to storage.

4. After Arian has all the items he wanted, speak to the Young Man, Gaanan (morocc_in 114, 162) above him. Gaanan will asks 5 questions, to which the answers are:

Young Man NPC
  • 1. Stranded on an island: Fourth option
  • 2. Stuck in a collapsed building: Fourth option
  • 3. Lost in a dungeon: Third option
  • 4. A murder is commited: First option
  • 5. The world is going to end: Fourth option (save the world)

After answering correctly, talk to Arian to be rewarded with a 1 Crumb of Sobbing Starlight and 18,000 Base EXP. Now journey to Payon to find Daewoon for the second test.

  • 111 GX received 40,500 Base EXP (VIP)

5. Go inside a Payon building (130/204) and talk to Daewoon, three rooms SOUTH WEST of the entrance (payon_in03 11, 31). Select any option to "Do you have any idea what that jewel you're holding actually is?" and begin his test. You will receive different EXP based on your response here. Whether you suceed will depend on how much your answers appeal to him. The best choices see below.

Daewoon NPC
  • 1. Option #1, Yes
  • 2. Option #2, I hate people who do that
  • 3. Option #2, I can't destroy such beauty...
  • 4. Option #1, Yes, of course!
  • 5. Option #1, Yes

You can take the test again if you failed. If you succeeded, Daewoon then gives you a 1 Crumb of Sobbing Starlight and 18,000 Base EXP, bringing the total to two.

  • 111 GX received 40,500 Base EXP (VIP)
  • Note: For question 3, the option "Close my eyes and attack/smash it" is also accepted.

6. Enter the lower right Aldebaran building (223/56) and find Sir Jore (aldeba_in 155, 101). He asks for the following items after he fails his experiment.

  • Note: While Sir Jore can only be spoken to start his portion at any time you need to return to him prior to 10pm (Pacific Time) that day. If this time is missed, continue again tomorrow.
Sir Jore NPC